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BrianHicks committed Dec 17, 2019
1 parent 26dd9d4 commit 04fdc13
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 74 deletions.
183 changes: 109 additions & 74 deletions nix/sources.nix
@@ -1,93 +1,128 @@
# This file has been generated by Niv.

# A record, from name to path, of the third-party packages
with rec

# The fetchers. fetch_<type> fetches specs of type <type>.

fetch_file = spec:
if spec.builtin or true then
builtins_fetchurl { inherit (spec) url sha256; }
pkgs.fetchurl { inherit (spec) url sha256; };

fetch_tarball = spec:
if spec.builtin or true then
builtins_fetchTarball { inherit (spec) url sha256; }
pkgs.fetchzip { inherit (spec) url sha256; };

fetch_git = spec:
builtins.fetchGit { url = spec.repo; inherit (spec) rev ref; };

fetch_builtin-tarball = spec:
The niv type "builtin-tarball" will soon be deprecated. You should
instead use `builtin = true`.
$ niv modify <package> -a type=tarball -a builtin=true
builtins_fetchTarball { inherit (spec) url sha256; };

fetch_builtin-url = spec:
The niv type "builtin-url" will soon be deprecated. You should
instead use `builtin = true`.
$ niv modify <package> -a type=file -a builtin=true
(builtins_fetchurl { inherit (spec) url sha256; });

# The sources to fetch.

sources = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./sources.json);

# Various helpers

# The set of packages used when specs are fetched using non-builtins.
pkgs =
if hasNixpkgsPath
if hasThisAsNixpkgsPath
then import (builtins_fetchTarball { inherit (sources_nixpkgs) url sha256; }) {}
else import <nixpkgs> {}
if hasThisAsNixpkgsPath
then import (builtins_fetchTarball { inherit (sources_nixpkgs) url sha256; }) {}
else import <nixpkgs> {}
import (builtins_fetchTarball { inherit (sources_nixpkgs) url sha256; }) {};
import (builtins_fetchTarball { inherit (sources_nixpkgs) url sha256; }) {};

sources_nixpkgs =
if builtins.hasAttr "nixpkgs" sources
then sources.nixpkgs
else abort
Please specify either <nixpkgs> (through -I or NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=...) or
add a package called "nixpkgs" to your sources.json.

# fetchTarball version that is compatible between all the versions of Nix
builtins_fetchTarball =
{ url, sha256 }@attrs:
inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchTarball;
if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then
fetchTarball { inherit url; }
fetchTarball attrs;

# fetchurl version that is compatible between all the versions of Nix
builtins_fetchurl =
{ url, sha256 }@attrs:
inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchurl;
if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then
fetchurl { inherit url; }
fetchurl attrs;

# A wrapper around pkgs.fetchzip that has inspectable arguments,
# annoyingly this means we have to specify them
fetchzip = { url, sha256 }@attrs: pkgs.fetchzip attrs;

# A wrapper around pkgs.fetchurl that has inspectable arguments,
# annoyingly this means we have to specify them
fetchurl = { url, sha256 }@attrs: pkgs.fetchurl attrs;

hasNixpkgsPath = (builtins.tryEval <nixpkgs>).success;
hasThisAsNixpkgsPath =
(builtins.tryEval <nixpkgs>).success && <nixpkgs> == ./.;

sources = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./sources.json);
# The actual fetching function.
fetch = name: spec:

mapAttrs = builtins.mapAttrs or
(f: set: with builtins;
listToAttrs (map (attr: { name = attr; value = f attr set.${attr}; }) (attrNames set)));

# borrowed from nixpkgs
functionArgs = f: f.__functionArgs or (builtins.functionArgs f);
callFunctionWith = autoArgs: f: args:
let auto = builtins.intersectAttrs (functionArgs f) autoArgs;
in f (auto // args);

getFetcher = spec:
let fetcherName =
if builtins.hasAttr "type" spec
then builtins.getAttr "type" spec
else "builtin-tarball";
in builtins.getAttr fetcherName {
"tarball" = fetchzip;
"builtin-tarball" = builtins_fetchTarball;
"file" = fetchurl;
"builtin-url" = builtins_fetchurl;
# NOTE: spec must _not_ have an "outPath" attribute
mapAttrs (_: spec:
if builtins.hasAttr "outPath" spec
then abort
"The values in sources.json should not have an 'outPath' attribute"
if builtins.hasAttr "url" spec && builtins.hasAttr "sha256" spec
spec //
{ outPath = callFunctionWith spec (getFetcher spec) { }; }
else spec
) sources
if ! builtins.hasAttr "type" spec then
abort "ERROR: niv spec ${name} does not have a 'type' attribute"
else if spec.type == "file" then fetch_file spec
else if spec.type == "tarball" then fetch_tarball spec
else if spec.type == "git" then fetch_git spec
else if spec.type == "builtin-tarball" then fetch_builtin-tarball spec
else if spec.type == "builtin-url" then fetch_builtin-url spec
abort "ERROR: niv spec ${name} has unknown type ${builtins.toJSON spec.type}";

# Ports of functions for older nix versions

# a Nix version of mapAttrs if the built-in doesn't exist
mapAttrs = builtins.mapAttrs or (
f: set: with builtins;
listToAttrs (map (attr: { name = attr; value = f attr set.${attr}; }) (attrNames set))

# fetchTarball version that is compatible between all the versions of Nix
builtins_fetchTarball = { url, sha256 }@attrs:
inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchTarball;
if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then
fetchTarball { inherit url; }
fetchTarball attrs;

# fetchurl version that is compatible between all the versions of Nix
builtins_fetchurl = { url, sha256 }@attrs:
inherit (builtins) lessThan nixVersion fetchurl;
if lessThan nixVersion "1.12" then
fetchurl { inherit url; }
fetchurl attrs;

mapAttrs (
name: spec:
if builtins.hasAttr "outPath" spec
then abort
"The values in sources.json should not have an 'outPath' attribute"
spec // { outPath = fetch name spec; }
) sources

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