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1699 lines
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// TypeScript definitions for OmniFocus 3.11.7 (149.14) on macOS 11.4
// Generated on 2021-06-06 17:41:53 +0000
// To use these definitions, save this file as `OmniFocus.d.ts`
// and create a `tsconfig.json` file with compiler settings which indicate
// an appropriate set of implicitly defined TypeScript libraries:
// {
// "compilerOptions": {
// "lib": ["es7"]
// }
// }
// Alert
declare class Alert {
constructor (title: string, message: string);
show(callback?: Function | null): Promise<number>;
addOption(string: string);
// Application
declare class Application {
openDocument(from: Document | null, url: URL, completed: Function);
readonly buildVersion: Version;
readonly commandKeyDown: boolean;
readonly controlKeyDown: boolean;
readonly name: string;
readonly optionKeyDown: boolean;
readonly platformName: string;
readonly shiftKeyDown: boolean;
readonly userVersion: Version;
readonly version: string;
// ApplyResult
declare namespace ApplyResult {
const SkipChildren: ApplyResult;
const SkipPeers: ApplyResult;
const Stop: ApplyResult;
const all: Array<ApplyResult>;
declare class ApplyResult {
// FolderArray
declare class FolderArray extends Array {
byName(name: string): Folder | null;
// ProjectArray
declare class ProjectArray extends Array {
byName(name: string): Project | null;
// SectionArray
declare class SectionArray extends Array {
byName(name: string): Project | Folder | null;
// Library
declare class Library extends SectionArray {
apply(f: Function): ApplyResult | null;
readonly beginning: Folder.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly ending: Folder.ChildInsertionLocation;
// TagArray
declare class TagArray extends Array {
byName(name: string): Tag | null;
// Tags
declare class Tags extends TagArray {
apply(f: Function): ApplyResult | null;
readonly beginning: Tag.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly ending: Tag.ChildInsertionLocation;
// TaskArray
declare class TaskArray extends Array {
byName(name: string): Task | null;
// Inbox
declare class Inbox extends TaskArray {
apply(f: Function): ApplyResult | null;
readonly beginning: Task.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly ending: Task.ChildInsertionLocation;
// Calendar
declare namespace Calendar {
const buddhist: Calendar;
const chinese: Calendar;
const coptic: Calendar;
const current: Calendar;
const ethiopicAmeteAlem: Calendar;
const ethiopicAmeteMihret: Calendar;
const gregorian: Calendar;
const hebrew: Calendar;
const indian: Calendar;
const islamic: Calendar;
const islamicCivil: Calendar;
const islamicTabular: Calendar;
const islamicUmmAlQura: Calendar;
const iso8601: Calendar;
const japanese: Calendar;
const persian: Calendar;
const republicOfChina: Calendar;
declare class Calendar {
dateByAddingDateComponents(date: Date, components: DateComponents): Date | null;
dateFromDateComponents(components: DateComponents): Date | null;
dateComponentsFromDate(date: Date): DateComponents;
dateComponentsBetweenDates(start: Date, end: Date): DateComponents;
startOfDay(date: Date): Date;
readonly identifier: string;
readonly locale: Locale | null;
readonly timeZone: TimeZone;
// Color
declare namespace Color {
function RGB(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number | null): Color;
function HSB(h: number, s: number, b: number, a: number | null): Color;
function White(w: number, a: number | null): Color;
const black: Color;
const blue: Color;
const brown: Color;
const clear: Color;
const cyan: Color;
const darkGray: Color;
const gray: Color;
const green: Color;
const lightGray: Color;
const magenta: Color;
const orange: Color;
const purple: Color;
const red: Color;
const white: Color;
const yellow: Color;
declare class Color {
blend(otherColor: Color, fraction: number): Color | null;
readonly alpha: number;
readonly blue: number;
readonly brightness: number;
readonly colorSpace: ColorSpace;
readonly green: number;
readonly hue: number;
readonly red: number;
readonly saturation: number;
readonly white: number;
// ColorSpace
declare namespace ColorSpace {
const CMYK: ColorSpace;
const HSB: ColorSpace;
const Named: ColorSpace;
const Pattern: ColorSpace;
const RGB: ColorSpace;
const White: ColorSpace;
const all: Array<ColorSpace>;
declare class ColorSpace {
// Console
declare class Console {
log(message: any, additional?: Array<any>);
error(message: any, additional?: Array<any>);
info(message: any, additional?: Array<any>);
warn(message: any, additional?: Array<any>);
// Credentials
declare class Credentials {
constructor ();
read(service: string): { user: string, password: string } | null;
write(service: string, username: string, password: string);
remove(service: string);
readBookmark(service: string): URL.Bookmark | null;
writeBookmark(service: string, bookmark: URL.Bookmark);
// Data
declare namespace Data {
function fromString(string: string): Data;
function fromBase64(string: string): Data;
declare class Data {
toString(): string;
toBase64(): string;
readonly length: number;
readonly toObject: Object | null;
// Database
declare class Database {
tagNamed(name: string): Tag | null;
folderNamed(name: string): Folder | null;
projectNamed(name: string): Project | null;
projectsMatching(search: string): Array<Project>;
foldersMatching(search: string): Array<Folder>;
tagsMatching(search: string): Array<Tag>;
taskNamed(name: string): Task | null;
moveTasks(tasks: Array<Task>, position: Project | Task | Task.ChildInsertionLocation);
duplicateTasks(tasks: Array<Task>, position: Project | Task | Task.ChildInsertionLocation): TaskArray;
convertTasksToProjects(tasks: Array<Task>, position: Folder | Folder.ChildInsertionLocation): Array<Project>;
moveSections(sections: Array<Project | Folder>, position: Folder | Folder.ChildInsertionLocation);
duplicateSections(sections: Array<Project | Folder>, position: Folder | Folder.ChildInsertionLocation): SectionArray;
moveTags(tags: Array<Tag>, position: Tag | Tag.ChildInsertionLocation);
duplicateTags(tags: Array<Tag>, position: Tag | Tag.ChildInsertionLocation): TagArray;
deleteObject(object: DatabaseObject);
copyTasksToPasteboard(tasks: Array<Task>, pasteboard: Pasteboard);
canPasteTasks(pasteboard: Pasteboard): boolean;
pasteTasksFromPasteboard(pasteboard: Pasteboard): Array<Task>;
readonly canRedo: boolean;
readonly canUndo: boolean;
readonly document: DatabaseDocument | null;
readonly flattenedFolders: FolderArray;
readonly flattenedProjects: ProjectArray;
readonly flattenedSections: SectionArray;
readonly flattenedTags: TagArray;
readonly flattenedTasks: TaskArray;
readonly folders: FolderArray;
readonly inbox: Inbox;
readonly library: Library;
readonly projects: ProjectArray;
readonly settings: Settings;
readonly tags: Tags;
// DatabaseObject
declare class DatabaseObject {
readonly id: ObjectIdentifier;
// DatedObject
declare class DatedObject extends DatabaseObject {
added: Date | null;
modified: Date | null;
// ActiveObject
declare class ActiveObject extends DatedObject {
active: boolean;
readonly effectiveActive: boolean;
// Folder
declare namespace Folder {
function byIdentifier(identifier: string): Folder | null;
declare class Folder extends ActiveObject {
constructor (name: string, position: Folder | Folder.ChildInsertionLocation | null);
folderNamed(name: string): Folder | null;
projectNamed(name: string): Project | null;
sectionNamed(name: string): Project | Folder | null;
childNamed(name: string): Project | Folder | null;
apply(f: Function): ApplyResult | null;
readonly after: Folder.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly before: Folder.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly beginning: Folder.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly children: SectionArray;
readonly ending: Folder.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly flattenedChildren: SectionArray;
readonly flattenedFolders: FolderArray;
readonly flattenedProjects: ProjectArray;
readonly flattenedSections: SectionArray;
readonly folders: FolderArray;
name: string;
readonly parent: Folder | null;
readonly projects: ProjectArray;
readonly sections: SectionArray;
status: Folder.Status;
// Tag
declare namespace Tag {
function byIdentifier(identifier: string): Tag | null;
const forecastTag: Tag | null;
declare class Tag extends ActiveObject {
constructor (name: string, position?: Tag | Tag.ChildInsertionLocation | null);
tagNamed(name: string): Tag | null;
childNamed(name: string): Tag | null;
apply(f: Function): ApplyResult | null;
readonly after: Tag.ChildInsertionLocation;
allowsNextAction: boolean;
readonly availableTasks: TaskArray;
readonly before: Tag.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly beginning: Tag.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly children: TagArray;
readonly ending: Tag.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly flattenedChildren: TagArray;
readonly flattenedTags: TagArray;
name: string;
readonly parent: Tag | null;
readonly projects: ProjectArray;
readonly remainingTasks: TaskArray;
status: Tag.Status;
readonly tags: TagArray;
readonly tasks: TaskArray;
// Task
declare namespace Task {
function byParsingTransportText(text: string, singleTask: boolean | null): Array<Task>;
function byIdentifier(identifier: string): Task | null;
declare class Task extends ActiveObject {
constructor (name: string, position: Project | Task | Task.ChildInsertionLocation | null);
taskNamed(name: string): Task | null;
childNamed(name: string): Task | null;
appendStringToNote(stringToAppend: string);
addLinkedFileURL(url: URL);
removeLinkedFileWithURL(url: URL);
addAttachment(attachment: FileWrapper);
removeAttachmentAtIndex(index: number);
addTag(tag: Tag);
addTags(tags: Array<Tag>);
removeTag(tag: Tag);
removeTags(tags: Array<Tag>);
markComplete(date: Date | null): Task;
drop(allOccurrences: boolean);
apply(f: Function): ApplyResult | null;
addNotification(info: number | Date): Task.Notification;
removeNotification(notification: Task.Notification);
readonly after: Task.ChildInsertionLocation;
assignedContainer: Project | Task | Inbox | null;
attachments: Array<FileWrapper>;
readonly before: Task.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly beginning: Task.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly children: TaskArray;
readonly completed: boolean;
completedByChildren: boolean;
readonly completionDate: Date | null;
readonly containingProject: Project | null;
deferDate: Date | null;
readonly dropDate: Date | null;
dueDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveCompletedDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveDeferDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveDropDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveDueDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveFlagged: boolean;
readonly ending: Task.ChildInsertionLocation;
estimatedMinutes: number | null;
flagged: boolean;
readonly flattenedChildren: TaskArray;
readonly flattenedTasks: TaskArray;
readonly hasChildren: boolean;
readonly inInbox: boolean;
readonly linkedFileURLs: Array<URL>;
name: string;
note: string;
readonly notifications: Array<Task.Notification>;
readonly parent: Task | null;
readonly project: Project | null;
repetitionRule: Task.RepetitionRule | null;
sequential: boolean;
shouldUseFloatingTimeZone: boolean;
readonly tags: TagArray;
readonly taskStatus: Task.Status;
readonly tasks: TaskArray;
// Perspective.Custom
declare namespace Perspective.Custom {
function byName(name: string): Perspective.Custom | null;
function byIdentifier(identifier: string): Perspective.Custom | null;
const all: Array<Perspective.Custom>;
declare namespace Perspective {
class Custom extends DatedObject {
fileWrapper(): FileWrapper;
writeFileRepresentationIntoDirectory(parentURL: URL): URL;
readonly identifier: string;
readonly name: string;
// Task.Notification
declare namespace Task {
class Notification extends DatedObject {
absoluteFireDate: Date;
readonly initialFireDate: Date;
readonly isSnoozed: boolean;
readonly kind: Task.Notification.Kind;
readonly nextFireDate: Date | null;
relativeFireOffset: number;
repeatInterval: number;
readonly task: Task | null;
readonly usesFloatingTimeZone: boolean;
// Project
declare namespace Project {
function byIdentifier(identifier: string): Project | null;
declare class Project extends DatabaseObject {
constructor (name: string, position?: Folder | Folder.ChildInsertionLocation | null);
taskNamed(name: string): Task | null;
appendStringToNote(stringToAppend: string);
addAttachment(attachment: FileWrapper);
removeAttachmentAtIndex(index: number);
markComplete(date: Date | null): Task;
addNotification(info: number | Date): Task.Notification;
removeNotification(notification: Task.Notification);
addTag(tag: Tag);
addTags(tags: Array<Tag>);
removeTag(tag: Tag);
removeTags(tags: Array<Tag>);
addLinkedFileURL(url: URL);
removeLinkedFileWithURL(url: URL);
readonly after: Folder.ChildInsertionLocation;
attachments: Array<FileWrapper>;
readonly before: Folder.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly beginning: Task.ChildInsertionLocation;
readonly children: TaskArray;
readonly completed: boolean;
completedByChildren: boolean;
completionDate: Date | null;
containsSingletonActions: boolean;
defaultSingletonActionHolder: boolean;
deferDate: Date | null;
dropDate: Date | null;
dueDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveCompletedDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveDeferDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveDropDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveDueDate: Date | null;
readonly effectiveFlagged: boolean;
readonly ending: Task.ChildInsertionLocation;
estimatedMinutes: number | null;
flagged: boolean;
readonly flattenedChildren: TaskArray;
readonly flattenedTasks: TaskArray;
readonly hasChildren: boolean;
lastReviewDate: Date | null;
readonly linkedFileURLs: Array<URL>;
name: string;
nextReviewDate: Date | null;
readonly nextTask: Task | null;
note: string;
readonly notifications: Array<Task.Notification>;
readonly parentFolder: Folder | null;
repetitionRule: Task.RepetitionRule | null;
reviewInterval: Project.ReviewInterval;
sequential: boolean;
shouldUseFloatingTimeZone: boolean;
status: Project.Status;
readonly tags: TagArray;
readonly task: Task;
readonly taskStatus: Task.Status;
readonly tasks: TaskArray;
// DateComponents
declare class DateComponents {
constructor ();
readonly date: Date | null;
day: number | null;
era: number | null;
hour: number | null;
minute: number | null;
month: number | null;
nanosecond: number | null;
second: number | null;
timeZone: TimeZone | null;
year: number | null;
// DateRange
declare class DateRange {
readonly end: Date;
readonly name: string;
readonly start: Date;
// Decimal
declare namespace Decimal {
function fromString(string: string): Decimal;
const maximum: Decimal;
const minimum: Decimal;
const notANumber: Decimal;
const one: Decimal;
const zero: Decimal;
declare class Decimal {
toString(): string;
add(number: Decimal): Decimal;
subtract(number: Decimal): Decimal;
multiply(number: Decimal): Decimal;
divide(number: Decimal): Decimal;
compare(number: Decimal): number;
equals(number: Decimal): boolean;
// Device
declare namespace Device {
const current: Device;
declare class Device {
readonly iOS: boolean;
readonly iPad: boolean;
readonly mac: boolean;
readonly operatingSystemVersion: Version;
readonly type: DeviceType | null;
// DeviceType
declare namespace DeviceType {
const all: Array<DeviceType>;
const iPad: DeviceType;
const iPhone: DeviceType;
const mac: DeviceType;
declare class DeviceType {
// Document
declare namespace Document {
function makeNew(resultFunction: Function | null): Promise<Document>;
function makeNewAndShow(resultFunction: Function | null): Promise<Document>;
declare class Document {
close(didCancel: Function | null);
fileWrapper(type: string | null): FileWrapper;
makeFileWrapper(baseName: string, type: string | null): Promise<FileWrapper>;
show(resultFunction: Function | null);
readonly canRedo: boolean;
readonly canUndo: boolean;
readonly fileType: string | null;
readonly name: string | null;
readonly writableTypes: Array<string>;
// DatabaseDocument
declare class DatabaseDocument extends Document {
newWindow(): Promise<DocumentWindow>;
newTabOnWindow(window: DocumentWindow): Promise<DocumentWindow>;
readonly windows: Array<DocumentWindow>;
// Email
declare class Email {
constructor ();
blindCarbonCopy: string | Array<string> | null;
body: string | null;
carbonCopy: string | Array<string> | null;
fileWrappers: Array<FileWrapper>;
receiver: string | Array<string> | null;
subject: string | null;
// FilePicker
declare class FilePicker {
constructor ();
show(): Promise<Array<URL>>;
folders: boolean;
message: string;
multiple: boolean;
types: Array<TypeIdentifier> | null;
// FileSaver
declare class FileSaver {
constructor ();
show(fileWrapper: FileWrapper): Promise<URL>;
message: string;
nameLabel: string;
prompt: string;
types: Array<TypeIdentifier> | null;
// FileWrapper
declare namespace FileWrapper {
function withContents(name: string | null, contents: Data): FileWrapper;
function withChildren(name: string | null, children: Array<FileWrapper>): FileWrapper;
declare class FileWrapper {
filenameForChild(child: FileWrapper): string | null;
readonly children: Array<FileWrapper>;
readonly contents: Data | null;
readonly destination: URL | null;
filename: string | null;
preferredFilename: string | null;
readonly type: FileWrapper.Type;
// FileWrapper.Type
declare namespace FileWrapper.Type {
const Directory: FileWrapper.Type;
const File: FileWrapper.Type;
const Link: FileWrapper.Type;
const all: Array<FileWrapper.Type>;
declare namespace FileWrapper {
class Type {
// Folder.ChildInsertionLocation
declare namespace Folder {
class ChildInsertionLocation {
// Folder.Status
declare namespace Folder.Status {
const Active: Folder.Status;
const Dropped: Folder.Status;
const all: Array<Folder.Status>;
declare namespace Folder {
class Status {
// ForecastDay
declare namespace ForecastDay {
let badgeCountsIncludeDeferredItems: boolean;
declare class ForecastDay {
badgeKind(): ForecastDay.Status;
readonly badgeCount: number;
readonly date: Date;
readonly deferredCount: number;
readonly kind: ForecastDay.Kind;
readonly name: string;
// ForecastDay.Kind
declare namespace ForecastDay.Kind {
const Day: ForecastDay.Kind;
const DistantFuture: ForecastDay.Kind;
const FutureMonth: ForecastDay.Kind;
const Past: ForecastDay.Kind;
const Today: ForecastDay.Kind;
const all: Array<ForecastDay.Kind>;
declare namespace ForecastDay {
class Kind {
// ForecastDay.Status
declare namespace ForecastDay.Status {
const Available: ForecastDay.Status;
const DueSoon: ForecastDay.Status;
const NoneAvailable: ForecastDay.Status;
const Overdue: ForecastDay.Status;
const all: Array<ForecastDay.Status>;
declare namespace ForecastDay {
class Status {
// Form
declare class Form {
constructor ();
addField(field: Form.Field, index?: number | null);
removeField(field: Form.Field);
show(title: string, confirmTitle: string): Promise<Form>;
readonly fields: Array<Form.Field>;
validate: Function | null;
readonly values: Object;
// Form.Field
declare namespace Form {
class Field {
readonly displayName: string | null;
readonly key: string;
// Form.Field.Checkbox
declare namespace Form.Field {
class Checkbox extends Form.Field {
constructor (key: string, displayName: string | null, value: boolean | null);
// Form.Field.Date
declare namespace Form.Field {
class Date extends Form.Field {
constructor (key: string, displayName: string | null, value: Date | null, formatter: Formatter.Date | null);
// Form.Field.MultipleOptions
declare namespace Form.Field {
class MultipleOptions extends Form.Field {
constructor (key: string, displayName: string | null, options: Array<Object>, names: Array<string> | null, selected: Array<Object>);
// Form.Field.Option
declare namespace Form.Field {
class Option extends Form.Field {
constructor (key: string, displayName?: string | null, options?: Array<Object>, names?: Array<string> | null, selected?: Object | null, nullOptionTitle?: string | null);
allowsNull: boolean;
nullOptionTitle: string | null;
// Form.Field.Password
declare namespace Form.Field {
class Password extends Form.Field {
constructor (key: string, displayName?: string | null, value?: string | null);
// Form.Field.String
declare namespace Form.Field {
class String extends Form.Field {
constructor (key: string, displayName?: string | null, value?: Object | null, formatter?: Formatter | null);
// Formatter
declare class Formatter {
// Formatter.Date
declare namespace Formatter.Date {
function withStyle(dateStyle: Formatter.Date.Style, timeStyle: Formatter.Date.Style | null): Formatter.Date;
function withFormat(format: string): Formatter.Date;
const iso8601: Formatter.Date;
declare namespace Formatter {
class Date extends Formatter {
stringFromDate(date: Date): string;
dateFromString(string: string): Date | null;
calendar: Calendar;
readonly dateFormat: string;
locale: Locale;
timeZone: TimeZone;
// Formatter.Decimal
declare namespace Formatter.Decimal {
function currency(code: string | null): Formatter.Decimal;
const currencyCodes: Array<string>;
const custom: Formatter.Decimal;
const decimal: Formatter.Decimal;
const percent: Formatter.Decimal;
const percentWithDecimal: Formatter.Decimal;
const plain: Formatter.Decimal;
const thousandsAndDecimal: Formatter.Decimal;
declare namespace Formatter {
class Decimal extends Formatter {
stringFromDecimal(number: Decimal): string | null;
decimalFromString(string: string): Decimal | null;
decimalSeparator: string;
negativeFormat: string;
positiveFormat: string;
thousandsSeparator: string | null;
zeroSymbol: string | null;
// Formatter.Duration
declare namespace Formatter {
class Duration extends Formatter {
constructor ();
stringFromDecimal(number: Decimal): string | null;
decimalFromString(string: string): Decimal | null;
hoursPerDay: number;
hoursPerWeek: number;
useVerboseFormat: boolean;
// Formatter.Date.Style
declare namespace Formatter.Date.Style {
const Full: Formatter.Date.Style;
const Long: Formatter.Date.Style;
const Medium: Formatter.Date.Style;
const Short: Formatter.Date.Style;
const all: Array<Formatter.Date.Style>;
declare namespace Formatter.Date {
class Style {
// Image
declare class Image {
// LigatureStyle
declare namespace LigatureStyle {
const All: LigatureStyle;
const Essential: LigatureStyle;
const Standard: LigatureStyle;
const all: Array<LigatureStyle>;
declare class LigatureStyle {
// Locale
declare namespace Locale {
const identifiers: Array<string>;
declare class Locale {
constructor (identifier: string);
readonly calendar: Calendar;
readonly currencyCode: string | null;
readonly identifier: string;
// MenuItem
declare class MenuItem {
checked: boolean;
label: string;
// NamedStyle.List
declare namespace NamedStyle {
class List {
add(name: string | null): NamedStyle;
byName(name: string): NamedStyle | null;
byIdentifier(identifier: string): NamedStyle | null;
moveStyles(styles: Array<NamedStyle>, position: NamedStylePosition);
duplicateStyles(styles: Array<NamedStyle>, position: NamedStylePosition): Array<NamedStyle>;
readonly all: Array<NamedStyle>;
readonly beginning: NamedStylePosition;
readonly end: NamedStylePosition;
// NamedStylePosition
declare class NamedStylePosition {
// ObjectIdentifier
declare class ObjectIdentifier {
readonly objectClass: Object | null;
readonly primaryKey: string;
// Pasteboard
declare namespace Pasteboard {
function makeUnique(): Pasteboard;
const general: Pasteboard;
declare class Pasteboard {
availableType(types: Array<TypeIdentifier>): TypeIdentifier | null;
addItems(items: Array<Pasteboard.Item>);
dataForType(type: TypeIdentifier): Data | null;
setDataForType(data: Data, type: TypeIdentifier);
stringForType(type: TypeIdentifier): string | null;
setStringForType(string: string, type: TypeIdentifier);
URL: URL | null;
URLs: Array<URL> | null;
color: Color | null;
colors: Array<Color> | null;
readonly hasColors: boolean;
readonly hasImages: boolean;
readonly hasStrings: boolean;
readonly hasURLs: boolean;
image: Image | null;
images: Array<Image> | null;
items: Array<Pasteboard.Item>;
string: string | null;
strings: Array<string> | null;
readonly types: Array<TypeIdentifier>;
// Pasteboard.Item
declare namespace Pasteboard {
class Item {
constructor ();
dataForType(type: TypeIdentifier): Data | null;
setDataForType(data: Data, type: TypeIdentifier);
stringForType(type: TypeIdentifier): string | null;
setStringForType(string: string, type: TypeIdentifier);
readonly types: Array<TypeIdentifier>;
// Perspective
declare namespace Perspective {
const all: Array<Perspective.BuiltIn | Perspective.Custom>;
declare class Perspective {
// Perspective.BuiltIn
declare namespace Perspective.BuiltIn {
const Flagged: Perspective.BuiltIn;
const Forecast: Perspective.BuiltIn;
const Inbox: Perspective.BuiltIn;
const Nearby: Perspective.BuiltIn;
const Projects: Perspective.BuiltIn;
const Review: Perspective.BuiltIn;
const Search: Perspective.BuiltIn;
const Tags: Perspective.BuiltIn;
const all: Array<Perspective.BuiltIn>;
declare namespace Perspective {
class BuiltIn {
readonly name: string;
// PlugIn
declare namespace PlugIn {
function find(identifier: string, minimumVersion: Version | null): PlugIn | null;
const all: Array<PlugIn>;
declare class PlugIn {
library(identifier: string): PlugIn.Library | null;
action(identifier: string): PlugIn.Action | null;
handler(identifier: string): PlugIn.Handler | null;
resourceNamed(name: string): URL | null;
imageNamed(name: string): Image | null;
readonly URL: URL | null;
readonly actions: Array<PlugIn.Action>;
readonly author: string;
readonly description: string;
readonly displayName: string;
readonly handlers: Array<PlugIn.Handler>;
readonly identifier: string;
readonly libraries: Array<PlugIn.Library>;
readonly version: Version;
// PlugIn.Action
declare namespace PlugIn {
class Action {
constructor (perform: Function);
readonly description: string;
readonly label: string;
readonly longLabel: string;
readonly mediumLabel: string;
readonly name: string;
readonly paletteLabel: string;
readonly perform: Function;
readonly plugIn: PlugIn;
readonly shortLabel: string;
validate: Function | null;
// PlugIn.Handler
declare namespace PlugIn {
class Handler {
constructor (invoke: Function);
readonly invoke: Function;
readonly name: string;
readonly plugIn: PlugIn;
willAttach: Function | null;
willDetach: Function | null;
// PlugIn.Library
declare namespace PlugIn {
class Library {
constructor (version: Version);
readonly name: string;
readonly plugIn: PlugIn;
readonly version: Version;
// Preferences
declare class Preferences {
constructor (identifier: string | null);
read(key: string): Object | null;
readBoolean(key: string): boolean;
readString(key: string): string | null;
readNumber(key: string): number;
readDate(key: string): Date | null;
readData(key: string): Data | null;
write(key: string, value: boolean | string | number | Date | Data | null);
remove(key: string);
readonly identifier: string;
// Project.ReviewInterval
declare namespace Project {
class ReviewInterval {
steps: number;
unit: string;
// Project.Status
declare namespace Project.Status {
const Active: Project.Status;
const Done: Project.Status;
const Dropped: Project.Status;
const OnHold: Project.Status;
const all: Array<Project.Status>;
declare namespace Project {
class Status {
// Selection
declare class Selection {
readonly allObjects: Array<Object>;
readonly database: Database | null;
readonly databaseObjects: Array<DatabaseObject>;
readonly document: DatabaseDocument | null;
readonly folders: FolderArray;
readonly projects: ProjectArray;
readonly tags: TagArray;
readonly tasks: TaskArray;
readonly window: DocumentWindow | null;
// Settings
declare class Settings {
defaultObjectForKey(key: string): Object | null;
hasNonDefaultObjectForKey(key: string): boolean;
objectForKey(key: string): Object | null;
setObjectForKey(value: Object | null, key: string);
boolForKey(key: string): boolean;
setBoolForKey(value: boolean, key: string);
integerForKey(key: string): number;
setIntegerForKey(value: number, key: string);
readonly keys: Array<string>;
// SharePanel
declare class SharePanel {
constructor (items: Array<URL | string | Image | FileWrapper>);
addItem(shareItem: URL | string | Image | FileWrapper);
addItems(shareItems: Array<URL | string | Image | FileWrapper>);
removeItem(shareItem: URL | string | Image | FileWrapper);
removeItems(shareItems: Array<URL | string | Image | FileWrapper>);
items: Array<URL | string | Image | FileWrapper>;
// Style
declare class Style {
set(attribute: Style.Attribute, value: Object | null): boolean;
get(attribute: Style.Attribute): Object | null;
localValueForAttribute(attribute: Style.Attribute): Object | null;
addNamedStyle(namedStyle: NamedStyle);
removeNamedStyle(namedStyle: NamedStyle);
influencedBy(otherStyle: Style): boolean;
setStyle(style: Style);
fontFillColor: Color;
readonly link: URL | null;
readonly locallyDefinedAttributes: Array<Style.Attribute>;
readonly namedStyles: Array<NamedStyle>;
// NamedStyle
declare class NamedStyle extends Style {
readonly after: NamedStylePosition;
readonly before: NamedStylePosition;
readonly identifier: string;
name: string;
// Style.Attribute
declare namespace Style.Attribute {
const BackgroundColor: Style.Attribute;
const BaselineOffset: Style.Attribute;
const BaselineSuperscript: Style.Attribute;
const Expansion: Style.Attribute;
const FontCondensed: Style.Attribute;
const FontFamily: Style.Attribute;
const FontFillColor: Style.Attribute;
const FontFixedPitch: Style.Attribute;
const FontItalic: Style.Attribute;
const FontName: Style.Attribute;
const FontNarrow: Style.Attribute;
const FontSize: Style.Attribute;
const FontStrokeColor: Style.Attribute;
const FontStrokeWidth: Style.Attribute;
const FontWeight: Style.Attribute;
const KerningAdjustment: Style.Attribute;
const LigatureSelection: Style.Attribute;
const Link: Style.Attribute;
const Obliqueness: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphAlignment: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphBaseWritingDirection: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphDefaultTabInterval: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphFirstLineHeadIndent: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphHeadIndent: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphLineHeightMultiple: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphLineSpacing: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphMaximumLineHeight: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphMinimumLineHeight: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphSpacing: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphSpacingBefore: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphTabStops: Style.Attribute;
const ParagraphTailIndent: Style.Attribute;
const ShadowBlurRadius: Style.Attribute;
const ShadowColor: Style.Attribute;
const ShadowOffset: Style.Attribute;
const StrikethroughAffinity: Style.Attribute;
const StrikethroughColor: Style.Attribute;
const StrikethroughPattern: Style.Attribute;
const StrikethroughStyle: Style.Attribute;
const UnderlineAffinity: Style.Attribute;
const UnderlineColor: Style.Attribute;
const UnderlinePattern: Style.Attribute;
const UnderlineStyle: Style.Attribute;
declare namespace Style {
class Attribute {
readonly defaultValue: Object;
readonly key: string;
// Tag.ChildInsertionLocation
declare namespace Tag {
class ChildInsertionLocation {
// Tag.Status
declare namespace Tag.Status {
const Active: Tag.Status;
const Dropped: Tag.Status;
const OnHold: Tag.Status;
const all: Array<Tag.Status>;
declare namespace Tag {
class Status {
// Task.ChildInsertionLocation
declare namespace Task {
class ChildInsertionLocation {
// Task.Notification.Kind
declare namespace Task.Notification.Kind {
const Absolute: Task.Notification.Kind;
const DueRelative: Task.Notification.Kind;
const Unknown: Task.Notification.Kind;
const all: Array<Task.Notification.Kind>;
declare namespace Task.Notification {
class Kind {
// Task.RepetitionMethod
declare namespace Task.RepetitionMethod {
const DeferUntilDate: Task.RepetitionMethod;
const DueDate: Task.RepetitionMethod;
const Fixed: Task.RepetitionMethod;
const None: Task.RepetitionMethod;
const all: Array<Task.RepetitionMethod>;
declare namespace Task {
class RepetitionMethod {
// Task.RepetitionRule
declare namespace Task {
class RepetitionRule {
constructor (ruleString: string, method: Task.RepetitionMethod);
firstDateAfterDate(date: Date): Date;
readonly method: Task.RepetitionMethod;
readonly ruleString: string;
// Task.Status
declare namespace Task.Status {
const Available: Task.Status;
const Blocked: Task.Status;
const Completed: Task.Status;
const Dropped: Task.Status;
const DueSoon: Task.Status;
const Next: Task.Status;
const Overdue: Task.Status;
const all: Array<Task.Status>;
declare namespace Task {
class Status {
// Text
declare namespace Text {
function makeFileAttachment(fileWrapper: FileWrapper, style: Style): Text;
declare class Text {
constructor (string: string, style: Style);
textInRange(range: Text.Range): Text;
styleForRange(range: Text.Range): Style;
ranges(component: TextComponent, useEnclosingRange: boolean | null): Array<Text.Range>;
replace(range: Text.Range, with_: Text);
append(text: Text);
insert(position: Text.Position, text: Text);
remove(range: Text.Range);
find(string: string, options: Array<Text.FindOption> | null, range: Text.Range | null): Text.Range | null;
readonly attachments: Array<Text>;
readonly attributeRuns: Array<Text>;
readonly characters: Array<Text>;
readonly end: Text.Position;
readonly fileWrapper: FileWrapper | null;
readonly paragraphs: Array<Text>;
readonly range: Text.Range;
readonly sentences: Array<Text>;
readonly start: Text.Position;
string: string;
readonly style: Style;
readonly words: Array<Text>;
// Text.FindOption
declare namespace Text.FindOption {
const Anchored: Text.FindOption;
const Backwards: Text.FindOption;
const CaseInsensitive: Text.FindOption;
const DiacriticInsensitive: Text.FindOption;
const ForcedOrdering: Text.FindOption;
const Literal: Text.FindOption;
const Numeric: Text.FindOption;
const RegularExpression: Text.FindOption;
const WidthInsensitive: Text.FindOption;
const all: Array<Text.FindOption>;
declare namespace Text {
class FindOption {
// Text.Position
declare namespace Text {
class Position {
// Text.Range
declare namespace Text {
class Range {
constructor (start: Text.Position, end: Text.Position);
readonly end: Text.Position;
readonly isEmpty: boolean;
readonly start: Text.Position;
// TextAlignment
declare namespace TextAlignment {
const Center: TextAlignment;
const Justified: TextAlignment;
const Left: TextAlignment;
const Natural: TextAlignment;
const Right: TextAlignment;
const all: Array<TextAlignment>;
declare class TextAlignment {
// TextComponent
declare namespace TextComponent {
const Attachments: TextComponent;
const AttributeRuns: TextComponent;
const Characters: TextComponent;
const Paragraphs: TextComponent;
const Sentences: TextComponent;
const Words: TextComponent;
const all: Array<TextComponent>;
declare class TextComponent {
// TimeZone
declare namespace TimeZone {
const abbreviations: Array<string>;
declare class TimeZone {
constructor (abbreviation: string);
readonly abbreviation: string | null;
readonly daylightSavingTime: boolean;
readonly secondsFromGMT: number;
// Timer
declare namespace Timer {
function once(interval: number, action: Function): Timer;
function repeating(interval: number, action: Function): Timer;
declare class Timer {
readonly interval: number;
// ToolbarItem
declare class ToolbarItem {
image: Image | null;
label: string;
toolTip: string | null;
// Tree
declare class Tree {
nodeForObject(object: Object): TreeNode | null;
nodesForObjects(object: Array<Object>): Array<TreeNode>;
reveal(nodes: Array<TreeNode>);
select(nodes: Array<TreeNode>, extending: boolean | null);
copyNodes(nodes: Array<TreeNode>, to: Pasteboard);
paste(from: Pasteboard, parentNode: TreeNode | null, childIndex: number | null);
readonly rootNode: TreeNode;
readonly selectedNodes: Array<TreeNode>;
// ContentTree
declare class ContentTree extends Tree {
// SidebarTree
declare class SidebarTree extends Tree {
// TreeNode
declare class TreeNode {
expand(completely: boolean | null);
collapse(completely: boolean | null);
expandNote(completely: boolean | null);
collapseNote(completely: boolean | null);
apply(f: Function);
readonly canCollapse: boolean;
readonly canExpand: boolean;
readonly children: Array<TreeNode>;
readonly index: number;
readonly isExpanded: boolean;
readonly isNoteExpanded: boolean;
readonly isRevealed: boolean;
readonly isRootNode: boolean;
readonly isSelectable: boolean;
isSelected: boolean;
readonly level: number;
readonly object: Object;
readonly parent: TreeNode | null;
readonly rootNode: TreeNode;
// TypeIdentifier
declare namespace TypeIdentifier {
const URL: TypeIdentifier;
const binaryPropertyList: TypeIdentifier;
const csv: TypeIdentifier;
const editableTypes: Array<TypeIdentifier>;
const gif: TypeIdentifier;
const image: TypeIdentifier;
const jpeg: TypeIdentifier;
const json: TypeIdentifier;
const ofocus: TypeIdentifier;
const pdf: TypeIdentifier;
const plainText: TypeIdentifier;
const png: TypeIdentifier;
const propertyList: TypeIdentifier;
const readableTypes: Array<TypeIdentifier>;
const rtf: TypeIdentifier;
const rtfd: TypeIdentifier;
const taskPaper: TypeIdentifier;
const tasks: TypeIdentifier;
const tasksAndFolders: TypeIdentifier;
const tiff: TypeIdentifier;
const writableTypes: Array<TypeIdentifier>;
const xmlPropertyList: TypeIdentifier;
declare class TypeIdentifier {
constructor (identifier: string);
conformsTo(other: TypeIdentifier): boolean;
readonly displayName: string;
readonly identifier: string;
readonly pathExtensions: Array<string>;
// URL
declare namespace URL {
function choose(types: Array<string>): URL | null;
function chooseFolder(): URL | null;
function fromString(string: string): URL | null;
function tellScript(app: string, js: string, arg: Object | null): URL | null;
function tellFunction(app: string, jsFunction: Function, arg: Object | null): URL | null;
const currentAppScheme: string;
declare class URL {
fetch(success: Function, failure: Function | null);
call(success: Function, failure: Function | null);
find(types: Array<TypeIdentifier>, recurse: boolean | null): Promise<Array<URL>>;
toString(): string;
appendingPathComponent(component: string): URL;
deletingLastPathComponent(): URL;
readonly string: string;
readonly toObject: Object | null;
// URL.Access
declare namespace URL {
class Access {
readonly url: URL;
// URL.Bookmark
declare namespace URL.Bookmark {
function fromURL(url: URL): URL.Bookmark;
declare namespace URL {
class Bookmark {
access(): Promise<URL.Access>;
// URL.FetchRequest
declare namespace URL.FetchRequest {
function fromString(string: string): URL.FetchRequest | null;
declare namespace URL {
class FetchRequest {
constructor ();
fetch(): Promise<URL.FetchResponse>;
bodyData: Data | null;
bodyString: string | null;
cache: string | null;
headers: object;
method: string | null;
url: URL | null;
// URL.FetchResponse
declare namespace URL {
class FetchResponse {
readonly bodyData: Data | null;
readonly bodyString: string | null;
readonly headers: object;
readonly mimeType: string | null;
readonly statusCode: number;
readonly textEncodingName: string | null;
readonly url: URL | null;
// UnderlineAffinity
declare namespace UnderlineAffinity {
const ByWord: UnderlineAffinity;
const None: UnderlineAffinity;
const all: Array<UnderlineAffinity>;
declare class UnderlineAffinity {
// UnderlinePattern
declare namespace UnderlinePattern {
const Dash: UnderlinePattern;
const DashDot: UnderlinePattern;
const DashDotDot: UnderlinePattern;
const Dot: UnderlinePattern;
const Solid: UnderlinePattern;
const all: Array<UnderlinePattern>;
declare class UnderlinePattern {
// UnderlineStyle
declare namespace UnderlineStyle {
const Double: UnderlineStyle;
const None: UnderlineStyle;
const Single: UnderlineStyle;
const Thick: UnderlineStyle;
const all: Array<UnderlineStyle>;
declare class UnderlineStyle {
// Version
declare class Version {
constructor (versionString: string);
equals(version: Version): boolean;
atLeast(version: Version): boolean;
isAfter(version: Version): boolean;
isBefore(version: Version): boolean;
readonly versionString: string;
// Window
declare class Window {
// DocumentWindow
declare class DocumentWindow extends Window {
selectObjects(objects: Array<DatabaseObject>);
forecastDayForDate(date: Date): ForecastDay;
selectForecastDays(days: Array<ForecastDay>);
readonly content: ContentTree | null;
focus: SectionArray | null;
readonly isTab: boolean;
perspective: Perspective.BuiltIn | Perspective.Custom | null;
readonly selection: Selection;
readonly sidebar: SidebarTree | null;
readonly tabGroupWindows: Array<DocumentWindow>;