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module Main exposing (..)
import Browser
import Browser.Navigation as Navigation
import Css
import Css.Global as Global
import Html as RootHtml
import Html.Styled as Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Styled.Attributes as HAttrs exposing (css)
import Html.Styled.Events as Events
import Maze exposing (Maze)
import Random
import Route exposing (Route)
import Svg.Styled as Svg
import Svg.Styled.Attributes as Attrs
import Url exposing (Url)
type alias Flags =
type alias Model =
{ key : Navigation.Key
, route : Route
, nextSeed : Int
, newMazeShape : Route.MazeShape
, newMazeDifficulty : Int
type Msg
= OnUrlRequest Browser.UrlRequest
| OnUrlChange Url
| SetNewMazeShape Route.MazeShape
| SetNewMazeDifficulty Int
| StartSolvingNewMaze
init : Flags -> Url -> Navigation.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init () url key =
( { key = key
, route = Route.parse url
, nextSeed = 0 -- TODO: get from flags
, newMazeShape = Route.Hexes
, newMazeDifficulty = 10
, Cmd.none
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
OnUrlRequest (Browser.Internal url) ->
( model
, Navigation.pushUrl model.key (Url.toString url)
OnUrlRequest (Browser.External url) ->
( model
, Navigation.load url
OnUrlChange url ->
( { model | route = Route.parse url }
, Cmd.none
SetNewMazeShape shape ->
( { model | newMazeShape = shape }
, Cmd.none
SetNewMazeDifficulty difficulty ->
( { model | newMazeDifficulty = difficulty }
, Cmd.none
StartSolvingNewMaze ->
{ width, height, shape } =
baseParams model
( { model | nextSeed = model.nextSeed + 1 }
, Route.Maze
{ shape = shape
, seed = model.nextSeed
, width = width
, height = height
|> Route.toAbsolutePath
|> Navigation.pushUrl model.key
view : Model -> Browser.Document Msg
view model =
{ title = "Nate's Mazes"
, body =
[ Global.everything [ Css.boxSizing Css.borderBox ]
, Global.body [ Css.padding (Css.px 20) ]
, Html.main_ []
[ case model.route of
Route.New ->
-- just dumping all the controls in here for now. Will make them look nice later.
[ Html.label []
[ Html.text "Difficulty"
, Html.input
[ HAttrs.type_ "range"
, HAttrs.min "1"
, HAttrs.max "30"
, HAttrs.value (String.fromInt model.newMazeDifficulty)
, Events.onInput (String.toInt >> Maybe.withDefault 10 >> SetNewMazeDifficulty)
, Html.label []
[ Html.text "Shape"
, case model.newMazeShape of
Route.Hexes ->
[ Events.onClick (SetNewMazeShape Route.Squares) ]
[ Html.text "Change to Squares" ]
Route.Squares ->
[ Events.onClick (SetNewMazeShape Route.Hexes) ]
[ Html.text "Change to Hexes" ]
, Html.button
[ Events.onClick StartSolvingNewMaze ]
[ Html.text "Carve!" ]
, model
|> baseParams
|> baseMaze
|> Maze.view
{ cell = cellAttrs
, wall = wallAttrs
, container = [ css [ Css.width (Css.vw 95), Css.height (Css.vh 80) ] ]
Route.Maze info ->
baseMaze info
|> Maze.generate (Random.initialSeed info.seed)
|> Maze.view
{ cell = cellAttrs
, wall = wallAttrs
, container = [ css [ Css.width (Css.vw 95), Css.height (Css.vh 80) ] ]
Route.NotFound ->
Html.text "not found"
|> Html.toUnstyled
baseParams : Model -> { width : Int, height : Int, shape : Route.MazeShape }
baseParams model =
{ shape = model.newMazeShape
, width = round (toFloat model.newMazeDifficulty * 1.4)
, height = model.newMazeDifficulty
baseMaze : { otherStuff | width : Int, height : Int, shape : Route.MazeShape } -> Maze
baseMaze { width, height, shape } =
dimensions =
{ width = width
, height = height
, entrance = { row = 0, column = 0 }
, exit = { row = height - 1, column = width - 1 }
case shape of
Route.Hexes ->
Maze.hexes dimensions
Route.Squares ->
Maze.squares dimensions
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
, onUrlRequest = OnUrlRequest
, onUrlChange = OnUrlChange
containerAttrs : List (Html.Attribute msg)
containerAttrs =
wallAttrs : List (Svg.Attribute msg)
wallAttrs =
[ Attrs.stroke "#546E7A"
, Attrs.strokeWidth "3"
, Attrs.strokeLinecap "round"
cellAttrs : Maze.Cell -> List (Svg.Attribute msg)
cellAttrs { role } =
case role of
Nothing ->
[ Attrs.fill "#ECEFF1" ]
Just Maze.Entrance ->
[ Attrs.fill "#B2FF59" ]
Just Maze.Exit ->
[ Attrs.fill "#64FFDA" ]