change from width/height to difficulty

Brian Hicks 2022-02-16 09:33:23 -06:00
parent 950eb8805b
commit 1dc2429612
1 changed files with 30 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ type alias Model =
, route : Route
, nextSeed : Int
, newMazeShape : Route.MazeShape
, newMazeWidth : Int
, newMazeHeight : Int
, newMazeDifficulty : Int
@ -34,8 +33,7 @@ type Msg
= OnUrlRequest Browser.UrlRequest
| OnUrlChange Url
| SetNewMazeShape Route.MazeShape
| SetNewMazeWidth Int
| SetNewMazeHeight Int
| SetNewMazeDifficulty Int
| StartSolvingNewMaze
@ -45,8 +43,7 @@ init () url key =
, route = Route.parse url
, nextSeed = 0 -- TODO: get from flags
, newMazeShape = Route.Hexes
, newMazeWidth = 15
, newMazeHeight = 10
, newMazeDifficulty = 10
, Cmd.none
@ -75,23 +72,22 @@ update msg model =
, Cmd.none
SetNewMazeWidth width ->
( { model | newMazeWidth = width }
, Cmd.none
SetNewMazeHeight height ->
( { model | newMazeHeight = height }
SetNewMazeDifficulty difficulty ->
( { model | newMazeDifficulty = difficulty }
, Cmd.none
StartSolvingNewMaze ->
{ width, height, shape } =
baseParams model
( { model | nextSeed = model.nextSeed + 1 }
, Route.Maze
{ shape = model.newMazeShape
{ shape = shape
, seed = model.nextSeed
, width = Just model.newMazeWidth
, height = Just model.newMazeHeight
, width = Just width
, height = Just height
|> Route.toAbsolutePath
|> Navigation.pushUrl model.key
@ -113,24 +109,13 @@ view model =
[ Html.label []
[ Html.text "Width"
[ Html.text "Difficulty"
, Html.input
[ HAttrs.type_ "range"
, HAttrs.min "1"
, HAttrs.max "30"
, HAttrs.value (String.fromInt model.newMazeWidth)
, Events.onInput (String.toInt >> Maybe.withDefault 10 >> SetNewMazeWidth)
, Html.label []
[ Html.text "Height"
, Html.input
[ HAttrs.type_ "range"
, HAttrs.min "1"
, HAttrs.max "30"
, HAttrs.value (String.fromInt model.newMazeHeight)
, Events.onInput (String.toInt >> Maybe.withDefault 10 >> SetNewMazeHeight)
, HAttrs.value (String.fromInt model.newMazeDifficulty)
, Events.onInput (String.toInt >> Maybe.withDefault 10 >> SetNewMazeDifficulty)
@ -150,17 +135,14 @@ view model =
, Html.button
[ Events.onClick StartSolvingNewMaze ]
[ Html.text "Carve!" ]
, Maze.view
{ cell = cellAttrs
, wall = wallAttrs
, container = [ css [ Css.width (Css.vw 95), Css.height (Css.vh 80) ] ]
{ width = model.newMazeWidth
, height = model.newMazeHeight
, shape = model.newMazeShape
, model
|> baseParams
|> baseMaze
|> Maze.view
{ cell = cellAttrs
, wall = wallAttrs
, container = [ css [ Css.width (Css.vw 95), Css.height (Css.vh 80) ] ]
Route.Maze info ->
@ -184,6 +166,14 @@ view model =
baseParams : Model -> { width : Int, height : Int, shape : Route.MazeShape }
baseParams model =
{ shape = model.newMazeShape
, width = round (toFloat model.newMazeDifficulty * 1.4)
, height = model.newMazeDifficulty
baseMaze : { otherStuff | width : Int, height : Int, shape : Route.MazeShape } -> Maze
baseMaze { width, height, shape } =