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300 lines
8.4 KiB

{ pkgs, lib, ... }:
sources = import ../nix/sources.nix;
nixpkgs = import sources.nixpkgs { };
kakoune = import ../lib/kakoune.nix {
pkgs = nixpkgs.pkgs;
lib = nixpkgs.lib;
similar-sort = pkgs.callPackage ../pkgs/similar-sort { };
similar-sort-files-cmd = arg:
"git ls-files --others --cached --exclude-standard | ${similar-sort}/bin/similar-sort ${arg} | fzf --tiebreak index";
kak-tree = pkgs.callPackages ../pkgs/kak-tree { };
# plugins
pluginSources = lib.filterAttrs
(_: source: lib.attrByPath [ "kakoune" ] "" source == "plugin") sources;
colorSources = lib.filterAttrs
(_: source: lib.attrByPath [ "kakoune" ] "" source == "colors") sources;
pluginAttrs = lib.mapAttrs (name: source:
kakoune.mkPlugin {
name = name;
src = source;
}) pluginSources;
plugins = (lib.mapAttrsToList (_: plugin: plugin) pluginAttrs) ++ [
(kakoune.mkPlugin {
name = "kak-tree";
src = "${kak-tree.src}/rc";
colorAttrs = lib.mapAttrs (name: source:
kakoune.mkColorPlugin {
name = name;
src = source;
}) colorSources;
colors = lib.mapAttrsToList (_: color: color) colorAttrs;
in {
home.packages =
[ pkgs.shellcheck (pkgs.callPackages ../pkgs/kak-session { }) ];
programs.kakoune = {
enable = true;
config = {
colorScheme = "lucius";
scrollOff = {
columns = 0;
lines = 5;
numberLines = {
enable = true;
separator = ''" "'';
showMatching = true;
ui.enableMouse = true;
ui.assistant = "clippy";
wrapLines = {
enable = true;
indent = true;
marker = "";
hooks = [
commands = "auto-pairs-enable";
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*";
commands = "mkdir-buffer %val{bufname}";
name = "BufWritePre";
option = ".*";
# Git Status
commands = "git show-diff";
name = "BufOpenFile";
option = ".*";
commands = "git show-diff";
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*";
commands = "git update-diff";
name = "BufWritePost";
option = ".*";
commands = "git update-diff";
name = "BufReload";
option = ".*";
# Nix
commands = ''
set-option buffer formatcmd nixfmt
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*.nix";
commands = "format";
name = "BufWritePre";
option = ".*.nix";
# Elm
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*.elm";
commands = ''
evaluate-commands %sh{
if which elm-format > /dev/null; then
echo 'set-option buffer formatcmd "elm-format --stdin"'
commands = "format";
name = "BufWritePre";
option = ".*.elm";
# Haskell
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*.hs";
commands = ''
evaluate-commands %sh{
if which ormolu > /dev/null; then
echo 'set-option buffer formatcmd ormolu'
commands = "format";
name = "BufWritePre";
option = ".*.hs";
# Python
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*.py";
commands = ''
evaluate-commands %sh{
if which black > /dev/null; then
echo 'set-option buffer formatcmd "black - --quiet --fast"'
commands = "format";
name = "BufWritePre";
option = ".*.py";
# Indents
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*.(nix|rb|hs)";
commands = ''
set-option buffer tabstop 2
set-option buffer softtabstop 2
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*.elm";
commands = ''
set-option buffer tabstop 4
set-option buffer softtabstop 4
# kakboard
name = "WinCreate";
option = ".*";
commands = "kakboard-enable";
keyMappings = [
# git browsing
mode = "goto";
key = "u";
effect = "<esc>: git next-hunk<ret>";
docstring = "next hunk";
mode = "goto";
key = "<a-u>";
effect = "<esc>: git prev-hunk<ret>";
docstring = "previous hunk";
# file browsing
mode = "normal";
key = "_";
effect =
": connect-terminal sh -c %{ ranger --choosefile=/tmp/magic-file-selector $(dirname $1); if test -f /tmp/magic-file-selector; then edit $(cat /tmp/magic-file-selector); rm /tmp/magic-file-selector; fi } -- %val{bufname}<ret>";
mode = "normal";
key = "<minus>";
effect = ": connect-terminal sh -c %{ edit $(${
similar-sort-files-cmd "$1"
}) } -- %val{bufname}<ret>";
mode = "normal";
key = "<a-minus>";
effect =
": connect-terminal sh -c %{ buffer $(buffer | ${similar-sort}/bin/similar-sort $1 | fzf --tiebreak=index) } -- %val{bufname}<ret>";
# vertical selection
mode = "user";
key = "v";
effect = ": vertical-selection-down<ret>";
docstring = "vertical selection down";
mode = "user";
key = "<a-v>";
effect = ": vertical-selection-up<ret>";
docstring = "vertical selection up";
mode = "user";
key = "V";
effect = ": vertical-selection-up-and-down<ret>";
docstring = "vertical selection up and down";
extraConfig = ''
declare-user-mode surround
map global surround s ': surround<ret>' -docstring 'Surround'
map global surround c ': change-surround<ret>' -docstring 'Change'
map global surround d ': delete-surround<ret>' -docstring 'Delete'
map global surround t ': select-surrounding-tag<ret>' -docstring 'Select tag'
map global user s ':enter-user-mode surround<ret>' -docstring 'Surround'
declare-user-mode window
map global user w ': enter-user-mode window<ret>' -docstring 'Windowing'
map global window v ': tmux-terminal-horizontal sh -c %{ kak -c $1 $(${
similar-sort-files-cmd "$2"
}) } -- %val{session} %val{bufname}<ret>' -docstring "vertical split with fzf"
map global window <a-v> ': tmux-terminal-horizontal sh -c %{ kak -c $1 } -- %val{session}<ret>' -docstring "vertical split"
map global window s ': tmux-terminal-vertical sh -c %{ kak -c $1 $(${
similar-sort-files-cmd "$2"
}) } -- %val{session} %val{bufname}<ret>' -docstring "horizontal split with fzf"
map global window <a-s> ': tmux-terminal-vertical sh -c %{ kak -c $1 } -- %val{session}<ret>' -docstring "horizontal split"
# escape with fd
hook global InsertChar d %{ try %{
exec -draft hH <a-k>fd<ret> d
exec <esc>
# kak-tree
set global tree_cmd '${kak-tree.kak-tree}/bin/kak-tree -vvv'
declare-user-mode tree
map global user t ': enter-user-mode -lock tree<ret>' -docstring 'Tree Selection'
map global tree h ': tree-select-parent-node<ret>' -docstring 'Parent'
map global tree l ': tree-select-children<ret>' -docstring 'Children'
map global tree <a-l> ': tree-select-first-child<ret>' -docstring 'First Child'
map global tree j ': tree-select-next-node<ret>' -docstring 'Next Node'
map global tree k ': tree-select-previous-node<ret>' -docstring 'Previous Node'
map global tree i ': tree-node-sexp<ret>' -docstring 'Show Node'
# plugins
home.file.".config/kak/colors".source =
"${kakoune.mkColors colors}/share/kak/colors";
home.file.".config/kak/autoload".source =
"${kakoune.mkPlugins plugins}/share/kak/autoload";
home.file.".config/kak/kak-tree.toml".text = "";