write up initial exploration of nix-darwin

Brian Hicks 2019-04-12 10:23:54 -05:00
parent 1cdc0a8ff7
commit bb160dae50
1 changed files with 125 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
* Home Manager with nix-darwin
I'm going to try and combine Home Manager with nix-darwin. It does not seem
terribly different from the instructions for NixOS
(https://rycee.gitlab.io/home-manager/index.html). If this works out, I will
submit instructions for doing so to the home-manager repo!
I'm following nixpkgs-unstable, so my path looks like this:
** adding the home-manager channel
#+begin_src sh
nix-channel --add https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz home-manager
#+begin_src sh
nix-channel --update --verbose
I previously installed nix-darwin using the normal method listed at https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin
** using the home-manager channel and my config
OK, I think I need to edit my config and bring it into the right place... and
then maybe change some shell variables to point to the right activation
Let's get it into the nix-darwin config first. I'm using ~darwin-rebuild edit~
to do this for now.
The instructions say to add ~imports = [ <home-manager/nix> ];~... but that does
not exist. Looks like it's maybe ~/nix-darwin~ now?
(yes, that worked. The NixOS instructions must be wrong.)
Now to add this bit:
#+begin_src nix
users.user.brianhicks.isNormalUser = true; # todo: do I need this in nix-darwin?
home-manager.users.brianhicks = (builtins.callPackage /Users/brianhicks/dotfiles.nix/macbook.nix { pkgs = pkgs; });
ah ha! ~users.user~ is not valid in nix-darwin. Removed!
Now it interprets the source OK but the ~imports~ in ~macbook.nix~ are causing
issues. OK, let's try removing those as a test.
Still having some issues, now it's complaining about overrides not being
defined. Well that's OK, because it looks like I'm not actually supposed to call
the package. ~home-manager.users.${username}~ is supposed to be a function of ~{
pkgs, ... }: ...~
So now it's this:
#+begin_src nix
home-manager.users.brianhicks = (import /Users/brianhicks/dotfiles.nix/macbook.nix);
More issues:
error: attribute 'brianhicks' missing, at /Users/brianhicks/.nix-defexpr/channels/home-manager/nix-darwin/default.nix:17:28
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
#+begin_src nix
home.username = config.users.users.${name}.name;
home.homeDirectory = config.users.users.${name}.home;
so it looks like I need to define ~config.users.user.brianhicks~ after all? (AH HA it has to be ~users.users~)
#+begin_src nix
users.users.brianhicks.isNormalUser = true;
home-manager.users.brianhicks = (import /Users/brianhicks/dotfiles.nix/macbook.nix);
Ah, but ~isNormalUser~ doesn't exist, so let's ry setting the attributes it's looking for above...
#+begin_src nix
users.users.brianhicks.name = "brianhicks";
users.users.brianhicks.home = "/Users/brianhicks";
home-manager.users.brianhicks = (import /Users/brianhicks/dotfiles.nix/macbook.nix);
Cool! When I run ~darwin-rebuild build~, I get a reasonable-looking activation script in ~result/activate~
├── Applications -> /nix/store/qlms1a5rzscr4v7a37si8f7kpxmdvba5-system-applications/Applications
├── Library
│   ├── Fonts -> /nix/store/wv01zc1dm35cdzbsyq3p66f4mpwi1xwq-fonts/Library/Fonts
│   ├── LaunchAgents -> /nix/store/xbmlmv5d9kgx1m636c3kk8vq86rs6hyq-launchd/Library/LaunchAgents
│   └── LaunchDaemons -> /nix/store/xbmlmv5d9kgx1m636c3kk8vq86rs6hyq-launchd/Library/LaunchDaemons
├── activate
├── activate-user
├── darwin
├── darwin-changes
├── darwin-version
├── etc -> /nix/store/46427lw6jxl6iq5wxq9861vg3476jv02-etc/etc
├── sw -> /nix/store/0f3naaxfz11z21505la3xqg860cn85qy-system-path
├── system
├── systemConfig
└── user
└── Library
└── LaunchAgents -> /nix/store/xbmlmv5d9kgx1m636c3kk8vq86rs6hyq-launchd/user/Library/LaunchAgents
11 directories, 6 files
OK, going for it! ~darwin-rebuild switch~ and it worked! WHEEEEEEEEE!
Looks like I need to add an additional option for it to install packages though. Here we go:
#+begin_src nix
home-manager.useUserPackages = true;
Hmm, so that seems to have not worked. Stuff I install through that like ~jq~ and ~lorri~ are not working.
OK, I've got to fix this another time. Going to switch back to home-manager alone for now. But, mostly working!